- The Council
Information about Councillors, committees and staff, including where to find the register of interests.
- Councillors
A list of our councillors along with contact information.
- Council Committees
The list of Killamarsh Parish Council committees and what they do.
- Council Meetings
Local council meetings calendar.
- Agendas & Minutes
Find links to agendas and minutes
- Documents
All our documents are stored here, you can search and filter to easily find the documents of interest.
- Finance
What we spend and how we spend it. This page contains material which complies with Publication Scheme and Open Data requirements.
- Policies and Procedures
Find out about our policies and proceedures.
- Report an issue in the village
Use this form to raise issues which need attention.
- Employment Vacancies
Check for any employment opportunities at Killamarsh Parish Council.
- Freedom of Information
- Transparency Code
- FAQ's
- Tell us what you think
Official conduit for comments, complaints or compliments you have about Killamarsh Parish Council.