20th September 2024

Search Killamarsh Parish Council

Serving the Community of Killamarsh

Displaying 1 to 30 of 43

KPC 37 Staff Handbook

Mon, 15 Jul 2024

KPC 37 Staff Handbook

Adopted 24th June 2024

KPC 04 Asset Register & Disposal Policy

Adopted 19th December 2022

KPC63 - Protocol on Councillor, Clerk & Employee Relations

Adopted 20th May 2024

KPC65 Internal Audit Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 29th April 2024.

KPC64 Risk Management & Internal Control Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 29th April 2024.

KPC50 Grants to Organisations Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 29th April 2024.

KPC06 Corporate Risk Assessment Policy & Register

Adopted at Full Council on 29th April 2024.

KPC01 Reserves and Contingencies Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 29th April 2024.

KPC 23 Attendance at meetings policy

Approved at Full Council 25th March 2024

KPC 14 Training, learning and development policy

Adopted at Full Council on 25th March 2024.

KPC 3 CCTV Policy

Tue, 26 Mar 2024

KPC 3 CCTV Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 25th March 2024.

Conditions of hire for Killamarsh Parish Suite

Conditions of hire for Killamarsh Community Hub

KPC 67 Health & Safety Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 26th February 2024

KPC 73 Data Breach Incident Response Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 26th February 2024

KPC 72 GDPR Security Incident Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 26th February 2024

KPC 71 GDPR Policy

Wed, 28 Feb 2024

KPC 71 GDPR Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 26th February 2024

KPC 26 Complaints Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 26th February 2024

KPC 69 Grit Bin Policy

Wed, 28 Feb 2024

KPC 69 Grit Bin Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 26th February 2024.

KPC 11 Co-option Policy

Fri, 26 Jan 2024

KPC 11 Co-option Policy

Adopted at Full Council on 22nd January 2024

KPC 36 Publication Scheme

Approved March 2023

KPC 07 Tree Maintenance Policy

Adopted November 2023

KPC 70 - Internet Banking Policy

Adopted November 2023

KPC 68 Room Hire Policy & Conditions of Hire

Approved 20th November 2023

KPC 17 Allotment Policy

Mon, 10 Jul 2023

KPC 17 Allotment Policy

Revised & Adopted November 2023

Scheme of Delegation 2024

Approved at the Annual meeting of the Parish Council on the 20th May 2024

Standing Orders 2024

Mon, 22 May 2023

Standing Orders 2024

Approved at the Annual Parish Council meeting on the 20th May 2024

Code of Conduct 2024

Mon, 22 May 2023

Code of Conduct 2024

Approved at the Annual meeting of the Parish Council on the 20th May 2024

Financial Regulations 2024

Approved at the Annual meeting of the Parish Council on the 20th May 2024

New Financial Regulations received and to be reviewed by the Finance Committee and approved by Full Council June 2024.

KPC 28 Equal Opportunities

Adopted 27/03/2023